Custom items drop randomly from naturally spawned hostile mobs. However, many players have shops to sell these items, and they frequently find their way into auctions.
Custom Items can also be obtained in Vestria's many dungeons. Scavenger dungeons' have a higher drop chance relative to their tier than the Towny Worlds. Only members of the Scavenger Guild are able to access these, and they are able to access more difficult dungeons with higher drop chances as they rank up in their guild.
For more information about Custom Items, check out our Custom Items guide here
Scavenging is Vestria's custom item recycling system exclusive to the Scavenger Guild. Scavengers are able to convert 4 lower tier items or cores into one random item or core of the tier above. As Scavengers rank up, they are able to scavenge higher tier items and cores. Scavenging cores and items are separate. You are not able to mix cores and items together.
For more information on the Scavenger Guild, check out their page here!
To scavenge a Custom Item or Core, you must first have the appropriate Scavenger Guild rank.
Scavengers must also toggle scavenging on with
/items toggle-scavenge
This is in place to prevent players from accidentally scavenging their items!
After verifying that an appropriate guild rank has been attained, items can be scavenged by right clicking a block of raw gold with 4 items or cores of the appropriate tier in your inventory.
Upon scavenging, the items or cores will be consumed, and random item or core of the tier above will be returned.