Vestria has a variety of Custom Animals that spawn in the Towny World! These animals spawn in specific biomes or at specific times of day. Each animal has unique skills and may be passive, aggressive, or passive until provoked.
Members of the Zoologist specialization are responsible for collecting some of these different animal types! You can learn more about them here
Animals will spawn in their natural habitats in the Towny World. We do not provide a master list of which animals spawn in what biomes. That is for players to discover as they search!
Additionally, some animals will only spawn at certain times of day or night.
The Minecraft Biomes that animals spawn in closely align with where you would find one of these animals in real life.
Custom Animals can be moved with minecarts, boats, or safari nets available in the Token Shop! Some methods may work better than others depending on how large and hostile an animal may be.
Safari Nets can be purchased in the token shop at /warp tokenshop
and are single use only. They can be used to capture a wild animal by right-clicking on it with the net.
You can buy, sell, or trade these nets or use them yourself to transport animals home. When you want to release your animal, simply right-click the net on the ground.
Wild Custom Animals will automatically despawn if players are not nearby.
Towny will despawn any aquatic mobs unless you toggle mobs on! All land animals are towny-safe!
/t toggle mobs on
/plot toggle mobs on
Please note that this must be done in every chunk that the mob will be entering or occupying!If you find an animal that you would like to keep and move back to your base, then right-click the animal with a golden apple in your hand. This will consume the apple and tame the animal so you can keep it!
Please note that animals cannot be captured with a safari net once they have been tamed.
Tamed animals can be named with a name tag!
You may notice that killing Custom Animals will drop some interesting items! Claws, pelts, and other assorted items are purely decorative and do not have a larger function!
This is a list of discoverable animals on Vestria! Please note that the categories listed are not representative of all the different biomes that these animals spawn in.
List last updated 12/8/2024